
ONAC Membership


Why being a member of ONAC of International Center Of Spiritual And Ancestral Wisdom Native American Church will benefit you.

* Community * Ceremony * Protection *


It Provides You A Means To Receive Your Constitutional Rights In

Attending Earth Based Indigenous American Native Spiritually Empowering and Healing Ceremonies – especially Native American Church indigenous ceremonies that involve sacraments (Peyote, San Pedro, ) that are otherwise illegal for Non-Members to partake and or be in possession of.

Attending and/or utilizing Earth Based Indigenous American Native Spiritually Empowering and Healing Ceremonies such as; Blessing Way, Sacred Breath, Holy Anointing by the Laying on of Hands, Marriage Blanket etc., that may or may not use ONAC OF ICSAW Native American Church Sacraments in their Ceremonies.

Oklevueha Native American Church of International Center of Spiritual and Ancestral Wisdom Declaration

Educating court appointed attorneys on how the Law "Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000" will assist him or her to successfully represent you against any and all misguided Federal and/or State judicial prosecutions.

It Provides Connections With –

Federally recognized Native American Churches that are legally authorized to practice Earth Based Indigenous American Native Spiritually Empowering and Healing Ceremonies on or off Indian Reservations and in the United States Navy.

ONAC Of ICSAW Medicine People (Clergy, Doctor, Ministers etc.) that will assist you in enhancing your spiritual callings.

For More Info how to sign up or any questions please email our office.

We will be sending you Code Of Conduct And The Code Of Ethics For Our Life Time Membership To ONAC Of ICSAW International Center Of Spiritual And Ancestral Wisdom Native American Church

Email: icsawaz@gmail.com

Official Policies

ONAC Of ICSAW Native American Church is not hierarchical in structure. What this means is that we do not dictate to our members or branches how to conduct their spiritual walk and their use of sacred sacraments provided by mother earth. We do expect our members to make a solemn commitment to abide by the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct. Those who repeatedly disrespect other members, sacred sacraments or the Code they have committed to will not be taken from the membership rolls unless it is by their request. However, we will not be able to vouch for them or lend our support in the likely event that their disrespect will bring upon them legal or social consequences that naturally come when we live in a disrespectful manner. The following official policies will assist the members and those who are looking into our community so that all may know what we believe is safe, respectful, legal and in integrity as we all work together to provide blessings, empowerment and healing for individuals, communities and the world.

1) Medicines and/or Sacraments are sacred. We expect all people to treat them with respect. Many of our members see them as a manifestation of deity. As such, members can receive them from other members, medicine people or branch leaders, but may not procure them in any way that could be considered illegal. Members must never give, sell or share medicines that are controlled substances with anyone that is not a member of ONAC of ICSAW. Medicines must always be used in a way the user considers to be ceremonial and with intention, whenever possible in consultation with a medicine person or branch leader.

2) Leaders must make due diligence to see that anyone participating in ceremonies where controlled substances are used or when activities might be considered illegal outside of sanctioned ceremony are members in good standing of ONAC Of ICSAW. If the participant has a current membership card, that is considered proof of good standing unless the leader/medicine person has been notified that they are not currently in good standing. If they do not have a membership card and wish to participate, the leader is directed to contact the membership department of ONAC of ICSAW and check on their status. Associate members cards should be checked to be sure they have not expired as they are renewed once each year. If no evidence of membership is available, the person should be excluded from any part of the ceremony where controlled substances are present or being used.

3) Leaders and medicine people are counseled to use their best efforts and judgement in complying with applicable local and national laws. This requires research and understanding on their part. Sometimes those laws or ordinances are unjust or even unconstitutional in the United States. If that is the case, the leader or medicine person must consider carefully if they want to challenge those laws by respectful civil disobedience in order to correct policies that are wrong. This can be expensive and time consuming and is not within the ability of ONAC OF ICSAW to assist with, other than by providing information and advice to any attorney or member in good standing in such a situation.

4) Members are counseled to consider the time, money and effort the leaders/medicine people put forward to serve them and request that the members honor that sacrifice and provide assistance to those that bless them. Sometimes that is requested by the provider, but often the member can look and see needs that exist and make an effort to bring what is needed to the leader.

5) We expect that all people who participate in ceremony will honor the concept that the things shared and brought to light during ceremony or use of sacraments are likewise sacred and often private and must commit to leave that knowledge in the sacred circle – not sharing it with others and breaking that trust that exists there among the participants.

As you honor these policies, you will be blessed by your experience and those around you will be blessed by your integrity, kindness and intentions to do good in the world.


For thousands of years mankind has sought out the forest, jungle, savannah and desert for healing…for communion with Creation.

Indigenous people of this continent, Central America and South America for millennia have used the earth, the sky, the water and fire to create favorable conditions whether for vision on for healing…they are one and the same.

All of the plant kingdom (Ayahuasca, Cannabis, Peyote, San Pedro and etc.) all minerals, all clay of the Mother Earth is to be used…in transforming not only disease and sickness. but also the “separation” between Great Spirit and man. The Mystery called Truth lives and dwells in these gifts of Creator.  This is Self-apparent. It is plain and clear indigenous experiences are Sacred and Real.

A “Great Movement” is upon all mankind. It is a day of reckoning…of reconciliation …of Intense Healing. At this moment in time, mankind comes full circle to the question…

What are we?” Born of Intelligent Design, Humankind is at a pivotal point in its’ Evolution and Maturing. Succeeding is not in question. We will evolve…we will “reunite” with Great Spirit and live in Peace.

The Sacraments of the ONAC Of ICSAW Native American Church  offers  a “Passage” into a new life…an experience to depths few individuals have even imagined let alone accomplished. Whole plants or certain parts of that living entity, the seven colors of clay, crystals and gems, ancient sounds and other “ingredients” come together in a variety of ways tailored to every individual and his or her own unique set of circumstances. Changes in personal lifestyle are a key part in every one’s success. This and more is offered here on this site with the Intent that all willing participants will succeed. The Counsel offered empowers taking personal responsibility for One’s own transformation. The barrier of ignorance and unknowing will no longer exist.

Written Thoughts by – Kevin ‘He Who Has Know Name’ Towt,