
::>><<::The Vision::>><<::
Earth Dance8 is a dance for the unity of all creation.

It is an honoring and time to bring together all the races, religions and tribes. The purpose is to Dance with the Earth, the elements, sun and moon and the ancestors, to bring joy to the people and the Earth. This is a vision for the future of our children in the times to come.

Earth Dance8 is a time to unify the children, elders, leaders, medicine people, men and women, to bring equality and balance within our world.

Time to heal the wounds and move forward. It is time to end the pain and suffering of the world. We must first start with ourselves, then our families, moving onto all the people and the world. Transforming the old energy into a new energy, only for the highest good.


Time to remember how to come back and gather in Council Meetings with the people for the highest good of the people and come to good conclusions and decisions.

Earth Dance8 is a worldwide effort. We must do what is for the highest good for all the children of the world. Many things have to change so we can break through the stronghold that has bound the people and the world. It is time to be freed from the restrictions within!

The Earth Dance8 is Now...


Help our Earth Dance 8 Find a dedicated permanent site to build our ceremonial grounds

Earth Dance 8 International Multicultural Gathering is sponsored by The International Center of Spiritual and Ancestral Wisdom (ICSAW) is an organization that is dedicated to preserving ancients’ wisdoms and traditions of indigenous cultures throughout the world. ICSAW works on behalf of indigenous communities of North, Central, and South America and stands as the central organization by which all of its international projects are supported under. In bringing awareness and support to these projects, we empower our indigenous and non-Indigenous brothers and sisters to empower and sustain their communities.